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Forced migrations

Forced migrations

Defense of a dignified life for migrants and refugees
Defense of a dignified life for migrants and refugees

At Alboan we address the cause of human mobility with justice, hospitality and co-responsibility, counteracting the discourse of fear and hate. We want to make visible that 84% of refugees are hosted by impoverished countries close to their places of origin.

Fighting forced migration involves creating decent living conditions for people in their countries of origin. At Alboan we work to create opportunities to earn a living, offer possibilities of access to quality education, work for peace and reconciliation and open spaces so that the most vulnerable groups in society can organize, express their demands and influence the policies that affect them.

Accompany and defend forced migrants and refugees in the phases of origin, transit, destination and return

Women on the March. For the empowerment of migrant women.

Forced migrations

Data of a reality to fight for


People are international migrants


They have been forced to leave their homes


People are forcibly displaced from their homes every year due to natural disasters.


of people seeking refuge are “hosted” by impoverished (or low-income) countries, close to their countries of origin


Women on the march

More than 40 million children in the world are refugees, displaced people and migrants. In the emergency, education is the first right to be lost and the one that takes the longest to recover. Education makes it possible for them to look to the future...
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Promotion of a culture of solidarity and inclusion with migrants and refugees. Through reception, cooperation, advocacy, awareness and education, we generate a space of understanding, accompaniment, support and welcome.
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Conflict-free technology

A proposal to raise awareness of the connection that exists between control and exploitation of natural resources, violation of human rights, environmental destruction and the technology we use daily.
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From Alboan and Entreculturas, the Jesuit International Cooperation organizations in Spain, we want to provide a coordinated, rapid and effective r...
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