Our causes
What just causes do we defend and support?
We direct our work to vulnerable populations in impoverished countries where we work together with local organizations in international development cooperation projects.
When defining our just causes, two major frames of reference were established:
- The global development agenda of civil society and international institutions, which in these years is very focused on the Sustainable Development Goals.
- The Company's priorities in different places. In particular, the Universal Apostolic Preferences and the Apostolic Plan of the Province of Spain.
Based on the above, we have identified six great just causes on which we will focus our missionary work in the coming years. As the 2030 Agenda with the SDGs points out, all of them are interrelated. It is necessary to advance in each and every one of them to achieve the comprehensive development that we long for.
We walk together with people and organizations from all over the world towards a horizon in which human development, a dignified life and justice are the heritage of all humanity.
The causes that unite us

Forced migrations

Socio-environmental Justice

Right to education

Gender Equity

Citizenship and participation

Missionary process
Alboan's intervention model is based on the mission cycle, which constitutes a shared way of understanding and organizing our action and carrying out the deployment of the agenda of causes that we defend. We understand these dimensions as part of an integral process that brings together our work beyond our borders and in our own environment. The model consists of the following phases:
Accompany and Serve
We accompany and allow ourselves to be accompanied on the path of defending the just causes that we share through the establishment of symmetrical relationships. This accompaniment occurs in the faithful relationship with the organizations of the South; in the meeting with the people who are committed to us; or in the constant relationship with the centers and groups of our society with whom we walk. The Service arises when in this shared path we have resources that we can make available to others to improve their living conditions: international cooperation projects, humanitarian action and our educational and training action for personal transformation in favor of social justice.

Generate knowledge
Through research that is based on the experience of the service and the point of view of excluded people and that projects academic knowledge onto it. It is born from action and presence and seeks ways to impact reality in favor of people in situations of exclusion. An investigation for the incidence and for the development of our proposal for awareness, education and mobilization.

Raise awareness, educate and mobilize
Awareness-raising is aimed at achieving a transformation of the person and the culture in which we are immersed. Ideas, dispositions, attitudes and symbols spread that announce the novelty that we are called to inaugurate. We deploy it through transformative education actions for global citizenship, social mobilization, communication, volunteering, etc.

Public advocacy and structural transformation aim to ensure that our work does not only have a short-term effect but rather generates sustainable models over time. Political advocacy seeks collaboration between those who hold political power and those who find it difficult to make their interests heard. In our case it is developed through social mobilization, networking and dialogue with decision-makers (public and private).