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Education and training

We want to contribute to people being informed, trained, organized and mobilized to change situations that generate exclusion.

We promote the EDUKALBOAN community of educators, who want to contribute to social transformation and the construction of global citizenship through education, both formal (educational centers and universities) and non-formal (free time groups and educational platforms).

"We work with the educational community to promote citizenship committed to people excluded from our world."

Aimed at building a more supportive and transformative society

ALBOAN carries out and promotes studies and research from which it generates educational proposals aimed at formal and non-formal educators and campaigns for citizens in general.

+ 180

Educational centers

+ 700


+ 500

Educational materials

+ 140

Educational actions

Gaztesarea edukalboan

Youth Network

We support work with adolescents and young people in the field of non-formal education, from the field of Educational Free Time to municipal youth services, including universities or the non-formal education spaces of educational centers.

If you are part of a youth group, we offer you training itineraries, tools and mobilization proposals around topics such as gender equality, migration, ecology, the SDGs, etc. All this from active methodologies that promote the protagonism of youth themselves through the development of skills for participation, favoring the exercise of global citizenship committed to social change and justice.


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Generate reflection, analysis and critical thinking that leads to the practice of global citizenship.

ALBOAN is an organization committed to building global citizenship that denounces the injustices that cause inequality in the world, builds a culture that promotes the common good and transforms the structures that generate poverty at a local and global level.

We don't do it alone. We seek to involve

Networks and alliances for advocacy and social mobilization

Coordinadora de ONGD de Euskadi

Sector network, impact on local cooperation policies, coordination with the rest of the entities.

Coordinadora de ONGD de la Comunidad Foral de Navarra

Sector network, impact on local cooperation policies, coordination with the rest of the entities.

Coordinadora de ONGD estatal

Sector network, impact on state cooperation policies, coordination with other entities, awareness-raising actions.


European Network of Catholic NGOs for advocacy in Europe. Alboan participates in the corporate power and extractive industries working group


Network of European organizations active in Central Africa that work in development cooperation and humanitarian action.


Red Xavier

Network of European, North American and Asia Pacific organizations linked to the Society of Jesus that work in international cooperation.

Justice in Mining – A Global Ignatian Advocacy Network

It is one of the four GIAN networks of the Society of Jesus and brings together Social Centers, NGOs and Jesuit Universities of the 6 Jesuit conferences.

Red Eclesial Panamazónica (REPAM)

It is a regional network that brings together the presences of the Church in the Panamazonia.

Federación internacional Fe y Alegría

The Fe y Alegría Movement is one of the largest Popular Education networks in the world, serving more than 1.5 million people and extending to 19 countries on 3 continents.

Plataforma por las Empresas Responsables (PER)

It integrates 20 Spanish civil society organizations and aims to follow up on the negotiations of the European Directive on Business Due Diligence and Sustainability and promote a national Due Diligence Law.


CPAL program developed by the Network of Social Centers for the construction of alternative proposals in the productive economic field.

Asociación Española de Fundraising

Non-profit organization whose objective is the development of philanthropy and fundraising in Spain.


Association of entities for the promotion of Fair Trade in Bizkaia

Bide Bidean

Association of entities for the promotion of Fair Trade in Vitoria-Gasteiz

Grupo Pro-África

Forum of Basque NGDOs. Political advocacy before Basque institutions on issues that concern cooperation policies with sub-Saharan Africa. 


Spanish Network linked to the Society of Jesus to promote the VOLPA volunteer program



Network of volunteer NGOs in Gipuzkoa to raise awareness, unify work criteria with volunteering and training sessions


Knowledge management platform in Education for Sustainable Development (EDS) and the presentation of the Regional Center of Expertise (RCE) in EDS Basque Country-Navarre.

Movimiento 4.7

Space for meeting and collective construction between diverse sectors whose objective is to strengthen capacities in the main actors of Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship.

Fondo de Fundaciones

Encourage non-profit entities to allocate part of their capital to strengthen high-impact projects through venture philanthropy and impact investment.

Alianza Alavesa por el Desarrollo Sostenible 2023

Give visibility and recognize the commitment and work that different agents in the territory do for and for a prosperity that respects the planet.

CEN Alianza ODS para la sostenibilidad empresarial-Navarra

Working group made up of 4 NGDOs (including Alboan) and 9 companies with the commitment to inform and raise awareness about the SDGs.